3 questions you should be asking about your digital project
What is the best way to ensure that your system, application or platform has the best performance in the digital environment? It all starts with the right quest...
What you need to know about interface design
Every interface, be it a system, application or website, is composed of elements that have specific functions. These elements help the user to navigate and perf...
Importance of tests in the development of digital products
Both in agile methodologies and in Design Thinking processes, conducting tests is a fundamental part of delivering quality systems and applications. In this art...
Responsive Design vs. Adaptive Design
With the increasing diversity of mobile devices, one of the challenges for designers is due to the variety of screen sizes.There are countless ways for users to...
The importance of Product Management in the New Digital Age
In my experience of more than 26 years in the market, now as CEO of PEEXELL and, mainly, after the course I took this year at the Product School, which is in Si...
Digital transformation challenges in times of crisis
The world today is dynamic and often unpredictable. Things that happen in a country can take on global proportions, as we are experiencing this year with the co...

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