Steps to turn your idea into a digital solution
Creating a digital solution that can scale and reach its niche market is the dream of many entrepreneurs.To help you finally get your idea off the ground and pu...
What is a digital product?
For Product Managers and Product Owners, products are essential for their work to happen. They develop strategies and roadmaps to create a minimum viable produc...
Design outsourcing: how it works and benefits
Companies and projects need productivity to be more efficient and achieve better results. One of the strategies that has been most used is outsourcing, which is...
What is a UX strategy
We always say that for a good user experience (UX), you need to know your pains and needs in depth. For this, it is necessary to research, optimize processes, u...
What makes a Product Manager fundamental to the success of a product
The market is increasingly demanding in relation to the launch of new products. Due to high levels of technology, innovative proposals, demanding consumers and ...
Outsourcing in times of pandemic: a solution to boost business
During this year, the world scenario changed economically and technologically in a short period of time. Digitization is already more than a necessity for compa...

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