How to choose a development company
The demand for technological solutions is growing, while the market is becoming increasingly competitive.Companies need to look for technology professionals who...
5 best UX practices for applications
More and more companies have understood the need and importance of providing a good user experience (UX), and this certainly extends to the development of appli...
Benefits of agile methodologies in the development of digital products
If you have had any contact with technology and systems development, you probably have heard of agile methodologies. We have already talked about one of these m...
Design Thinking consultancy: the benefits of hiring one
There are many benefits of hiring a consultancy for a business. You get a strategic look from someone who has experience and sees the scene more broadly. In thi...
How a customized system can contribute to your company's productivity
Productivity is the relationship between what is produced and the resources (time, staff, money) needed to do it. The more productive a company is, the more eff...
Your service can become a platform: learn how
Companies have to be increasingly disruptive in order to follow the dynamics of the current market. The traditional model has been replaced by transactions that...

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Torre 2 - Salas 403 e 404 - Bragança Paulista - SP
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New York, NY 10170
Phone: (212) 235-5300
Fax: (212) 235-5329