Product Management and UX: what do they have in common?
User Experience and Product Management are distinct areas, but are strongly related when it comes to the development of a digital product.If you are thinking ab...
Outsourcing systems development: how it works and advantages
One of the biggest challenges for companies when they're creating a digital product is to make the development agile and efficient. So, more and more companies ...
How an app is created
Applications are extremely versatile and effective solutions for the most diverse types of business. Creating an application for your enterprise can be a way to...
What are APIs and their advantages
Have you ever sign in to a website or application using your Google or Facebook account? Or did you use an app connected to Google Maps? Or even used a credit p...
Scrum methodology in web development
Much has been said about agility in web development. The constant evolution of techniques and the creation of frameworks and methodologies point to this. And wi...
UX design trends to keep an eye on by 2020
A new decade has begun! In the digital world, this is considered the decade of experience, marked by interaction and personalization, where the focus is the use...

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