Redesign: what it is, importance and when to do it
Technology is constantly updating itself. Within the digital context, one of the most necessary updates from time to time is the redesign of websites, systems, ...
Mobile app or web system: which is best for your business?
We are in a market that increasingly seeks to offer solutions through technology, such as apps and systems. But do you know which option your business should us...
Microinteractions in UI design: details that make the difference
Every time you like something, sign in to an account, change its status, drag and drop the screen to refresh and many other actions, you're dealing with microin...
What makes the customer experience good
In recent years there has been more and more talk about experience. Consumers, whether it's of a physical or digital product, no longer just want to buy somethi...
Gamification in apps: how to use?
Gamification is a technique that uses game dynamics to attract, engage, and retain customers in many contexts. It has been used to improve learning in schools a...
5 common UI design mistakes you need to avoid
UI design is the area of ​​design that concerns about the user interface, or the final way an application or system presents itself. As one of the keys to t...

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