Usability as a key point for systems

Usability is fundamental to any system, whatever its purpose. A system with good usability reduces costs, time and optimizes the performance of tasks.

Usability can be defined as the ease that a user has to interact and use a tool, be it a website, application, system or any other platform.

This facility takes into account the optimization of the time spent with the tool, the agility to use and memorize it, the low error rate during use and the user's satisfaction with their experience.

Understand more about the importance of usability in building a system and learn how it should be applied in your project.

The importance of usability for systems

The objective of implementing a system in a company is often to optimize tasks, automate processes and facilitate the execution of functions in an intuitive way. Thus, for a system to fulfill its purpose, it is important that it has a focus on usability and, consequently, on the user experience.

Good usability allows the user to interact with the platform without difficulties that impair their understanding, such as problems in the execution of functionalities and confusing arrangement of information in the system interface.

Without good usability, the system can generate several difficulties for the user. For example:

  • Time-consuming and/or complicated task execution;

  • Workflow disruptions;

  • Errors and bugs in the system.

If the system does not meet the proposed objectives, the user will be dissatisfied and the system will not be useful.

How to improve the usability of a system

To improve the usability of the system, it is important to recognize and analyze the problems that the system is presenting and implement actions for optimization. Some tips for having a system with good usability are:

  • Maintain a clear and cohesive task flow;

  • Have a language that dialogues with users;

  • Provide shortcuts that facilitate interaction with the system;

  • Intuitive layout and simple to assimilate;

  • Give feedback to the user in real time to keep him informed about his progress.

Want to know more about usability in systems and software? Talk to our experts!

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