4 metrics to measure the performance of your UX design

Tracking metrics provides important information regarding the performance of a digital project. We can look at people's needs, what their experiences have been and what needs to be modified to improve performance.

Find out the main metrics to measure how UX design of your digital product is performing and what real results are bringing to your project!

First, why invest in UX?

The Design Management Institute conducted a survey on the size of the competitive differential of design-driven companies, that is, with a focus on design and user experience. In the survey, companies like Coca-Cola and Apple– considered to be design-driven – outperformed the industry's average performance rate by 228%.

In addition, they found that there was an improvement in productivity and reduced costs with rework, mainly in development. Research indicates that investing in UX during the conceptual phase of a project reduces the development cycle by up to 50%.

Investing in UX is fundamental to the success of a digital product. But, like any investment, it is necessary to pay attention to the return. So, let's talk now about how we can measure a product's UX to assess its performance.

How to measure the UX of a digital product

UX is about the user experience. Therefore, metrics related to user behavior are extremely important to understand the product's UX.

There are several models of metrics to measure the UX of a website, system or application. Among them, one stands out in the market: the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of design.

Performance indicators are fundamental tools for measuring a digital project, as it takes into account factors such as accessibility, navigability, efficiency, customer satisfaction and more. Through the analysis offered by design KPIs, we identify what needs to be improved to improve the user experience and generate more sales.

Some of the important indicators for UX are:

  1. Conversion rate increase

  2. Improvement in customer satisfaction rates

  3. Time reduction in completing tasks

  4. Reduction of user errors

Essential factors for good performance

Some factors are essential to measure the performance of a project's UX design. Let's talk about some of these below:


Usability is the user's ease to navigate on the interface. Usability focuses, for example, on the clarity of the menu, the ease of recognizing icons and clicking buttons. The better the usability of an application, system or website, the better is the performance among users.


Another important factor for the performance of a UX design is the engagement generated by it. Engagement is the time that the user spends browsing on a page or performing a task, to the point of feeling engaged with the brand and being satisfied and content with the digital product proposal.

Conversion rate

Everyone wants to have a high conversion rate on their digital product. Conversion is the ultimate goal of a business, whether it's selling a product, hiring a service, or registering on a platform or app.

UX design is fundamental for the good performance of a website, application, system or platform. As we have seen, it can be measured to evaluate whether the digital interface is providing a good user experience.

Get in touch with our team of experts to learn more about having a UX strategy for your project!

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